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Recent Examples of cat's cradleThe image on the Leopoldstadt playbill is of a young Jewish child playing with a cat's cradle.—Christian Holub, EW.com, 13 Oct. 2022 But that string can still be made into something perfect: As Ludwig lovingly points out to his grand-nephews, the knots in the cat's cradle always stay the same distance apart no matter how the configuration is manipulated.—Christian Holub, EW.com, 13 Oct. 2022
Is this a burgeoning love affair or just another con job stacked on top of a labyrinth of deceptions?
Jordan Crucchiola,
13 Feb. 2025
Through the Delta, the state and federal governments supply tap water to two-thirds of the state’s population and irrigation water to millions of acres of farms, with a labyrinth of levees, pumps and islands controlling the balance of saltwater and freshwater.
Why isn’t there space for an organic unfurling, a messy tangle of threads that overlap and deviate?
Rebekah Taussig,
24 Feb. 2025
Figuring out why tangles are so tricky could help scientists predict when people’s snap judgments about a physical situation are likely to be wrong, leading to unsafe reactions.
Clara Moskowitz,
Scientific American,
18 Feb. 2025
This improvement to sound also makes the restrained snarl of Naked Snake’s voice have an even better bite.
Ashley Bardhan,
Rolling Stone,
6 Feb. 2025
In its wake, the storm, which pummeled a swath of the country from Kansas and Missouri to Virginia and New Jersey, has left tens of thousands in the U.S. without power, caused traffic snarls and forced closures of schools and businesses.